Support Requests for Salesforce — Write to Salesforce

Clove integrates through Salesforce using a REST API. You can read more about how to connect to Salesforce here.

You can read about how Clove reads data from Salesforce here.

Create a Support Request

You can configure your customer hub to allow users to create a new Case in Salesforce. As with anything, this is optional, but it provides a great way for your customers to manage their support requests through your hub.

Our default ticket handler creates cases with a subject field, a required description field, the Origin of "Clove", and a linked Contact. We'll also create a FeedItem with the same content.

Linked Contact

Salesforce requires a linked Contact for every Case. We will lookup a Contact by the logged-in user's email address, or create a new Contact if one is not found. When we create a Contact, we will set the Email to the provided email address from your hub's form, and we'll set the LastName property to the logged-in user's family name.

You can set up anonymous Case creation as well. In this case, we'll create a Contact with the last name of "Not Provided". Your hub form must include an email field for anonymous users, or we will not be able to associate the Contact record. We'll append "User was not signed in when this case was submitted" to the provided description if the user was not logged in when the case was created.

Update a Support Request

You can optionally set up your hub to allow users to update their tickets. A user will only be able to submit an update to a ticket that they can see, either through the email address or email domain depending on how your hub is set up.

When a ticket is updated, we'll create a new FeedItem linked to the Case. We use a custom format to avoid requiring a Salesforce User and license allocation for your hub. This format looks like the following:

From: User Name
Source: Clove
The comment body

This format makes it clear who submitted the communication, but will create the FeedItem using the connected Salesforce User. The \u00A0 character is a “hidden character” that helps break up the lines without appearing in your instance.

You do not need to allocate licenses in Salesforce to use this feature.


Clove can write attachments when a Case or FeedItem is created. There are a few things you need to change on your form to submit attachments:

  • Add the enctype property to your form, like: <form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  • Add a form input, like: <input type="file" name="ticket[attachment][]". If your form is for a ticket comment, change the name to "comment[attachment][]"
  • Clove can write multiple attachments at once. Add "multiple" to your input tag to allow a user to select multiple files. Or add multiple form inputs with the same name as above. The "[]" characters at the end of the name must be included
  • The size of all attachments must be less than 50 MB total, or a server error will be displayed
  • Salesforce limits a single attachment to 35 MB, or an error message will be displayed
  • Optional: JavaScript can be used to enforce file size, or to provide an "Add Attachment" feature where the number of attachments is changed by the user

Attachments are placed on the FeedItem that Clove creates, not directly on the Case. This provides a better experience for agents as the attachments are visible directly in the Case Feed.

Notify Agent of Updates

Salesforce will not notify agents about a communication created via the API. To work around this, we allow you to create a custom email alert that sends when a ticket is updated by your users through Clove.

Setup an alert with the name of "Case/Updated_Case_Owner". You'll need to link this to an email template, which you can customize based on what you want your agents to see. The following email template is an example of this:

The created alert should go to your agents (not to the Contact):

Once this is configured, your agents will be notified of all Case updates that are done through Clove. If you don't want to send this alert, no action is required.

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