Action Lists

Action lists are guided checklists that walk customers through a particular problem or activity. For example, an onboarding list could walk your customers through the onboarding process.

Build a List

Visit the action list page to create a new list. Every list needs a title and an option about how items will be completed:

  • Per User: Each user will have their own version of the list. So if Steve checks off an item, then Amy wouldn’t see it checked off on her list.
  • Per Organization: Each customer organization has a version of the list. So if Steve checks off an item, Amy would also see it as checked off.

Add list items (or sub-items) to build your list. If you want to link out to a related resource, then click on the link icon to the right of the list.

Customer View

Lists are displayed inside of success spaces. The items will be checked off depending on whether the user (or another user at the same organization) has checked it off previously.

Here’s the above list:

Lists with sub-items are collapsed until the user expands them. Once they check an item off the sub-list, that item will be automatically expanded in the future. This keeps the list clean and helps prevent an overwhelming task list for your customers.

If a list is completed (all items checked off) but then the list gets updated, users will see that the list was “previously completed.” This lets them know that they did everything on the list at one point in time, but new items have been added since then.

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Success programs and product come together to create a complete customer experience. It's important to build healthy relationships between these departments in order to create a unified customer experience.